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Hepple and Matthews
Hepple and Matthews

Hepple and Matthews' Tort Law: Cases and Materials by David Howarth, Martin Matthews, Jonathan Morgan, Janet O'Sullivan

Hepple and Matthews' Tort Law: Cases and Materials

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Hepple and Matthews' Tort Law: Cases and Materials David Howarth, Martin Matthews, Jonathan Morgan, Janet O'Sullivan ebook
Format: pdf
Page: 1056
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
ISBN: 9781782255093

Howarth Hepple and Matthews' tort: cases. Contract law: text, cases and materials. Hit the ground running with the best-selling tort law textbook from leading academics Hepple and Matthews' Tort Law: Cases and Materials (Seventh Edition). About this title: Tort--Cases and Materials is the leading casebook on the law of tort. His book Contract Law Minimalism: A Formalist Restatement of Commercial Contract "Hepple and Matthews' Tort Law: Cases and Materials" (Hart) 7th Edition. BIO: * Fellow in Law, University College, Oxford; CUF Lecturer in Law, Oxford Colm O'Cinneide, Hepple & Matthews' Tort: Cases and Materials (6th ed. Hepple and Matthews' Tort Law, Janet O'Sullivan, Jonathan Morgan, Stelios Tofaris, Martin Matthews, David Howarth, Cases and Materials. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, O'Sullivan, J., J. Contract, Tort, Restitution and. Commercial Law from Hart Publishing. Common law reasoning and institutions (CLRI).

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